Gupta period history pdf

The land was given along with administrative rights and tax exemptions. Stitched garments became very popular in this period. Chapter 8 postgupta period i 600ad 750ad civilsdaily. There are typically three types of sources for reconstructing the history of the gupta period. History life in gupta period importance of the guptas in indian history the rise of the guptas has its own significance in indian history. From this period onwards we find a greater emphasis on verse than on prose, and also a few commentaries. During the early part of the vedic period, the indoaryans settled into northern india, bringing with them their specific religious traditions. Although painting was evidently widespread, the surviving works are almost all religious sculpture.

The prehistoric period begins with the stone age, which the sites such as bhimbetka, adamgarh, jaora, raisen, pachmarhi, etc. While the early gupta period shows an emphasis on hindu art, the climax of buddhist art, with all the previous tendencies combined into a classical statement, comes during the later period. Mcq history general knowledge set 1 from gupta period. The monuments of the gupta period are also a reliable source of artistic and religious history of that period. Secondly, the guptas were great conquerors who founded a strong empire and after several. Dear aspirant, we have chosen most important as well as top objective questions with answers from the gupta period.

Politicosocial and administrative history of ancient india. However, even in darkness light has a way of emerging. They maintained an empire over northern and parts of central and western india from the early 4th to the late 6th century ce. Discuss the development of arts and literature in that gupta period in the light of this statement. The guptas were the first architects of purposebuilt hindu but sometimes also buddhist temples which evolved from the earlier tradition of rockcut shrines. Origin of the gupta, foundation and consolidation of the gupta empire. Buddha preaching the first sermon history gupta period was founded at the beginning of the 4th century a. History of assam from vedic age to gupta period assam pcs.

The original homeland of the guptas is not known for certain. Protohistoric assam is reconstructed from epics and literature from early times mahabharata, kalika purana, yogini tantra, diff. Important general knowledge multiple choice question with answer. Question bank for upsc history the gupta empire post gupta. His book siyuki is a precious source of ancient indian history. The antariya worn by the women turned into gagri, which has many swirling effects exalted by its many folds. Administration, cultural, society life, science, literature, art, architecture developments in gupta period. May 22, 2015 the gupta dynasty, founded by chandragupta i accession c. Structure of administration set up of the governments was well organized during the gupta period, which provided a strong base for them to hold together their extensive territories for such a long period. Forno other period of indian history is the cultural material so rich and so amply documented in its literature and art as for this age. From prehistoric to independence and strategy to cover it for apsc prelims and mains exam art,handicrafts and paintings forms of assam british rule in assam constitution and reorganization of assam fairs and festivals of assam folk dances of assam folk songs of assam former princely states of assam and zamindaris.

Vedic era the vedic period 1500500 bce was the period in indian history during which the vedas, the oldest scriptures of hinduism, were composed. It will forever be remembered as the period during which literature, science, and the arts flourished in india as never before. Period significant length of time peace free from war and violence prosperity overall economic wellbeing for a society in general. History of india can be studied under political, cultural, religious or economic heads. The gupta period of india was not characterized by enormous material wealth or by elaborate trade activity.

The gupta period stands at the center of indian history. The compilation based on ncert texts will also help you learn the cultural history of india. Jun 18, 20 history of the gupta period the fourth century ce, also known as the gupta period, there was a recorded decline in trade. Pdf treasures of the gupta empire sanjeev kumar aka. At its zenith, from approximately 319 to 467 ce, it covered much of the indian subcontinent.

The art of the gupta period is marked by a deep spiritual quality and a vision which tries to record the higher and deeper truths of life. The gupta period in indian history is termed as the golden age of india. Gupta empire administration and decline of the gupta dynasty. Art, literature and science in gupta period history discussion. The navanitakam, a medical work, which is a manual of recipes, formula and prescriptions, was compiled during this period. Golden age a golden age is a period of great peace, prosperity, and happiness in a particular area. Essay on the important sources of history of guptas.

This period is particularly memorable for the compilation of the amarakosha by amarasimha, who was a luminary in the court of chandragupta ii. This article on ancient india covers gupta and post gupta rulers. A brief outline of the history of the impreial gupta dynasty. Other sites are snaish gumbat, in the swat region, charsadda in the peshawar valley, rashakai, in swabi mardan. The gupta empire boundless world history lumen learning. The gupta period also saw the development of sanskrit grammar based on panini and patanjali.

It extends through the reigns of chandragupta i, samudragupta, chandragupta ii, vikramaditya, kumaragupta and skandagupta. The objective or multiple questions of the gupta empire, discussed here are very important for the various types of competitive examinations like railway, government jobs interview, banking exam, staff selection commission or ssc, cgl, etc. Once simply constructed meeting places, hindu temples became complex towers covered with intricate carvings. Study and analysis of gupta empire in the history of india. B understand the social position of women during the gupta period done clear. Gupta art a history of indian art in the gupta period 300. These mcqs are very important as a piece of general knowledge for various examinations. Gujarat, on the western coast of india, has experienced the advent of a man and is fortunate in having a rich heritage of historical records among the states of indian subcontinent.

Gupta dynasty, rulers of the magadha now bihar state in northeastern india. They not only depict different aspects of life but also illustrate different schools of art and architecture viz. Oct 30, 2015 gupta period early days to the zenith not much is known about the early days of this gupta dynasty. The period under the gupta empire is known as the golden age of ancient india. The aphsad inscription gives a detailed history of the dynasty which shows that the later guptas were rulers. The long and efficient rule of the guptas made a huge impact on the political, social and cultural sphere.

The gupta dynasty, founded by chandragupta i accession c. The gupta empire rose to prominence in 320 ad and spread to large parts of northern india, central and small parts of southern india. Gupta period ancient india history for ssc bank and all govt exam. The lifestyle and culture of the gupta empire is known to us through the availability of various ancient scriptures, coins, inscriptions, and texts, etc. Gupta art is the art of the gupta empire, which ruled most of northern india, with its peak between about 300 and 480 ce, surviving in much reduced form until c. History life in gupta period the gupta period is considered to the most brilliant period or the golden age of the hindus. Among numerous sculptures is the goddess durga is portrayed in the carving. The gupta period marks an important phase in the history of ancient. The supremacy of the brahmanas was increasing they were getting largescale land grants not only from the rulers but from other people also. After mauryas the country is united again in the age of guptas, in this video, we will study the foundation of gupta dynasty and the governance of.

The ship building industry was also well developed in gupta period that facilitated trade and communication activities. The two hundred years of gupta rule may be said to mark the climax of hindu imperial tradition. All you have to do is pay attention, work hard and give it your best shot. History of chola empire part1 great empires of india duration. This was mostly because of low surplus obtained from agriculture. This was the age of some of the most celebrated creatives in indian history, including the fifth century writer kalidasa whose works would. Gupta dynasty ncert notes on guptan empire for upsc. History of the gupta dynasty 15 dates as proposed by other key scholars and. Only in the last 200 years or so, has mens jewellery gone out of fashion. This is rue for the northern region of the country, where the hindu culture was finally established in its full glory. Indian history chronology chronologically, indian history can be classified into three periods ancient india, medieval india and modern. The gupta empire is generally held to have begun in 320 ad, when chandragupta i not to be confused with. First of all it struck a blow to the foreign rule of the sakas and the kushans and established a national empire.

Indian history is a topic of interest to many including foreigners because of the cultures and civilizations existed in this subcontinent. From the point of view of literature, religion, art, architecture, commerce and colonial development, this period is undoubtedly the most important in indian history. The gupta dynasty continued its existence after the death of skandagupta. For the first time they initiated permanent materials like brick and stone, instead of perishable materials like bamboo, wood etc. Religious art temples both hindu and buddhist temples began flourishing under gupta rule. Gupta period is one of the most important period in indian history. From the allahabad pillar inscription of samudragupta we learn that while the first two kings of the gupta dynasty were.

History of clothing in the indian subcontinent wikipedia. This period is considered as the golden age of india by some historians. Here we are with history of india 11th and 12th class tamil nadu board pdf for you to improve your exam preparation. The reference material for this post is ncert history text for class 6 our past 1. Temple shows improvements in shikhara development as compared to the gupta period. The destruction of the bamiyan buddhas was a huge loss for our understanding of human history. The gupta age indicated a new era in the history of temple architecture. D, asm, tte, food sub inspector, wb police, gram panchayat, postal assistant, agriculture, court, psc, lic, cmat and all other state level public service commission exams. Our advice is to first go through the respective ncert text. Historians once regarded the gupta period as the classical age of indiaduring which the norms of indian literature, art, architecture, and. Feb 16, 2017 today we will learn gupta period ancient india history for ssc bank and all govt exam.

Hastayurveda or the veterinary science, authored by palakalpya attests to the advances made in medical science during the gupta period. Ancient indian history gupta period north india came under the rule of several foreign people, such as the yavanas, kushans, sakas, parthians, etc. History of gujarat from vedic age to gupta period gujrat. Free standing sculptural temple were the chief features of temple architecture during the gupta period. History of madhya pradesh from vedic age to gupta period, on account of its central position, all historical events had apparently passed through this region, leaving conspicuous marks on it. Overall, the gupta period was a bright phase in the history of classical literature and one that developed an ornate style that was different from the old simple sanskrit. The mehrauli iron pillar of gupta period is the best example of metal workmanships. The impact of geography on indian history the stone age the old stone age.

It was the elaborate jewellery that really set kings and high dignitaries apart from. An indian golden age the gupta empire, which ruled the indian subcontinent from 320 to 550 ad, ushered in a golden age of indian civilization. Standard 6 only the main points from each chapter are compiled below. Question the significance of the policy of matrimonial alliances for the expansion and consolidation of the gupta empire. Life in gupta period green valley educational institute. Gk gupta period questions with answers objective mcq. There were four major kingdoms in north india between the period in which the guptas declines and the rise of harsha i. During the gupta period, as of course throughout history, men have worn as much if not more jewellery as women. The gupta period is generally regarded as a classic peak and golden age of north indian art for all the major religious groups. Sep 11, 2009 the gupta period in indian history is termed as the golden age of india.

The guptas confessed on india the long desired unity and the feeling of nationalism. Since their destruction several new discoveries have been made near the sites of the bamiyan buddhas including the discovery of fragments of a 62foot long reclining buddha. His writings form one of the most important sources for the history of this period. The travel diaries and writings of buddhist monks who frequented this part of the world are the most trustworthy sources of information we have about those days. Isbn 9789231032110 origin and political history of the guptas more important among them were the later guptas, the maukharis, the pushyabhutis and the maitrakas. Succeeding in life is as simple as being a good student.

Flourishing arts, fabulous literature, and stupendous scholars are just a few of the things that marked the period. The seals, gold, and silver coins of this period also reflect the advance stage of the metal industry. Paper 11 politicosocial and administrative history of ancient india. It lasted more than 2 centuries and stretched over major part of north india and to balkh in the east. Faade of ajanta caves great bodhisattva, ajanta standing buddha. The later guptas had no connection with the gupta main line. C visit the buddhist institutions and to collect copies of buddhist manuscripts done clear. Download history of india 11th and 12th class tamil nadu. Some of the chief achievements of the gupta period are the following. The indians made scientific advances in metalworking, medicine, and other sciences. Historians once regarded the gupta period as the classical age of indiaduring which the norms of indian literature, art, architecture, and philosophy were establishedbut many of those. Because of this reason, this period is popular as a golden period of indian history.

And until the romechina trade axis was broken with the fall of the han dynasty, the guptas did indeed prosper. Cultural material of the post gupta period after c. Ravana phadi is a rock cut cave with distinct sculptures made during the chalukyan era. The breakup of the gupta empire was followed by the rise of a number of independent states. After the gupta period, india was divided into different small and medium kingdoms. The ruling dynasty of the empire was founded by the king sri gupta. From his accounts, the gupta empire was a prosperous period. The gupta empire was an ancient indian empire existing from the midtolate 3rd century ce to 543 ce. History of assam from vedic age to gupta period the ancient name of guwahati was pragjyotishpur. Gupta rule, while solidified by territorial expansion through war, began a period of peace and prosperity marked by advancements in science, technology. Ancient indian history gupta period tutorialspoint. A leam about the administrative system of the gupta kings done clear. D get full knowledge about the condition of peasants during the period of gupta kings done clear. The history of gujarat is very ancient and dates back to prehistoric age.

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